If you have a great suggestion for things that need to be added (please see the following list of future additions) that is not on the list, please fill out the form, and get it to me via:
a) Mail it to:
Brian Powell
University of Colorado at Boulder
Campus Box 431
Boulder, CO 80309
b) Fax it to:
ATTN: Brian Powell
(303) 492-2825
c) E-Mail the form to:
d) Call and explain the problem:
Brian Powell
(303) 492-0955
(9am - 6pm M-F) MST
-----Things for future additions-----
1) Finishing the projection support
2) Multiple layers
3) Cut, Copy, Paste
4) QuickTime
Brian Powell
----------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------
Imagic Version Number: ___________________
Name ______________________________________________________